Avanti template replacement

Note that this template replacement is only applicable on Avanti versions up to 0.7.1. Later versions dropped support for older FFmpeg builds.

Changes in the FFmpeg -flags and -flags2 commands.

From February 2012 up, FFmpeg dramatically thins out the -flags and -flags2 options. These options are now available as single commands. Most of them are still flags which can be set to 0 (off) or 1 (on). 

Old flags options                New replacements
-flags obmc                  ->  -obmc [0, 1]
-flags part                  ->  -data_partitioning [0, 1]
-flags alt                   ->  -alternate_scan [0, 1]
-flags umv                   ->  -umv [0, 1]
-flags aiv                   ->  -aiv [0, 1]
-flags slice                 ->  -thread_type [slice, frame]
-flags scan_offset           ->  -scan_offset [?]

Old flags2 options               New replacements
-flags2 bpyramid             ->  -b-pyramid [none, strict, normal]
-flags2 wpred                ->  -weightb [0, 1]
-flags2 mixed_refs           ->  -mixed-refs [0, 1]
-flags2 dct8x8               ->  -8x8dct [0, 1]
-flags2 fastpskip            ->  -fast-pskip [0, 1]
-flags2 aud                  ->  -aud [0, 1]
-flags2 ivlc                 ->  -intra_vlc [0, 1]
-flags2 drop_frame_timecode  ->  -drop_frame_timecode [0, 1]
-flags2 non_linear_q         ->  -non_linear_quant [0, 1]
-flags2 reservoir            ->  -reservoir [0, 1]
-flags2 mbtree               ->  -mbtree [0, 1]
-flags2 psy                  ->  -psy [0, 1]
-flags2 ssim                 ->  -ssim [0, 1]
-flags2 intra_refresh        ->  -intra-refresh [0, 1]

Avanti version 0.6.7 and higher contains a number of templates which are
adapted to these changes. This means you'll get a FFmpeg error with these
templates when you use a FFmpeg build, released before February 2012.

You can overwrite the templates with the contents of the "flags_mods_old" or
"flags_mods_new" folder (in the zip below), depending on the FFmpeg version you use.


Updated: 08-03-2013 - Chris Kevany
v. 0.9.3 - (C) 2007-2015